I would have thought the products complemented each other or is this particular foundation just bad?|||Sounds like it was a heavy foundation. All the new ones are super light and actually match your skin tone.|||You're not the first person to say that. I heard exactly the same thing about this foundation from other people.
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|||Sometimes you don't pay for what you get! I have tried Estee Lauder and Lancome foundations but the best I have ever had is boots No7 which is 1/2 the price.Just because it has a fancy brand name on it does not mean its good!|||Just because this brand of make up is designer it doesnt mean it is any better than the non branded ones. I think at the end of the day you are paying for the brand!!
I have an obsession with foundation, I have tried the cheap collection 2000, Clarins foundation, Max Factor, No 17, Virgin Vie, superdrug own brand, Avon foundations etc... name them I have tried them!
The ones I have found the best is the collection 2000 one which cost me 拢3 for the bottle! and my second favourite is the Virgin Vie one which was 拢14 for a pump one.|||It may just be your skin type. Does it say for oily skin or for normal. Just stick with the chanel if you like it. It shouldnt have to "match" your skin regime.|||Probably doesn't suit you / your skin type. Stick with what works for you.|||I'm very surprised you've had problems with Guerlain products.
It sounds like a problem with the type of foundation you've bought. You obviously need a light consistancy rather than a heavy one.
If you've been recommended this by a Guerlain consultant then you need to go back and let them know. I'm sure you'd get an alternative as they'd hate to think it would put you off buying other products.
Stick with the skincare cause it's amazing. I work in association with a department within Guerlain and I know the head trainer of the consultants. He'd like the feedback as there's obviously something going wrong with someone selling you the wrong product. Contact head office in London.|||Take it back and complain. They can't change without customer feedback, and you may get a refund!|||I tried that with different brands as well and my experience is that if a brand is good in one type of product, it does not mean that all of its products are good or great. That said, companies like Chanel have a long history of making foundations, so they are experienced and can do a better job in making them. Stick with what works for you.|||You should go to like macy's or a place that has make-up and ask for some help and then just do what they say.|||It's probably just bad. Not all products in a line complement each other, even if they claim to. And half of finding the right foundating is picking a formulation that works with your skin type %26amp; texture. I would say go back to the Chanel and forget this stuff.|||Dont know because I cannot afford it!
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